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Research Success Stories

Whau Bush

Poipoia te kākano kia puāwai – nurture the seed and it will bloom

Whau Foundation helps to address gaps in knowledge and service delivery by funding innovative research. Our work focuses on evidence-based practices and developing effective interventions. 

We’ve funded over 180 research projects across Aotearoa, driving advancements in understanding and addressing mental health challenges faced by New Zealanders.

We prioritise finding out what actually works in mental health care, ensuring that our initiatives are grounded in research and real-world outcomes.

Here you can explore research projects supported by Whau Mental Health Research Foundation across our 57 years of operating:

Featured Success Stories

The Gauging Risk and Resilience in Teenagers (GRIT) Study

The Gauging Risk and Resilience in Teenagers (GRIT) Study


Dr Samantha Lee

Child and Youth Mental Health

Text based support following a suicide attempt

Text based support following a suicide attempt


Dr Lillian Ng

Tech and Digital Suicide Prevention

Understanding the relationship between alcohol and suicide in New Zealand

Understanding the relationship between alcohol and suicide in New Zealand


Dr Rose Crossin

Addiction Suicide Prevention

Rainbow Experiences of Accessing Mental Health Support

Rainbow Experiences of Accessing Mental Health Support


Gloria Fraser

Health Services and Delivery LGBTQ+ Mental Health

13 Reasons Why: Dangerous sensationalism or opening up the suicide conversation? Examining young people’s perspectives of the Netflix Series 13 Reasons Why.

13 Reasons Why: Dangerous sensationalism or opening up the suicide conversation? Examining young people’s perspectives.


Sarah McKenzie

Suicide Prevention Media

Help now for self-harm: development of an app for young people.

Development of a new generation e-therapy for young people with mild to moderate depression.


Dr Karolina Stasiak

Depression Suicide Prevention Tech and Digital

A rapid non drug treatment for anxiety – the rapid symptom shifting therapy

A rapid non drug treatment for anxiety – the rapid symptom shifting therapy


Professor Bruce Arroll

Treatment Approaches Intervention

Autism and psychiatric conditions: what’s the genetic overlap in our New Zealand Youth

Autism and psychiatric conditions: what’s the genetic overlap in our New Zealand Youth


Dr Jessie Jacobsen

Suicide Prevention Neurodevelopmental/Neurodiversity Biological

Intervention for children aged 11-13 years, designed to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression and improve self-esteem and participation

Intervention for children aged 11-13 years, designed to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression and improve self-esteem and participation


Ema Tokolahi

Anxiety Depression Suicide Prevention

Effect of methamphetamine (“P”) addiction neural structure and function, and the potential methylphenidate in treatment.

Effect of methamphetamine (“P”) addiction neural structure and function, and the potential methylphenidate in treatment.


Dr Bruce Russell

Treatment Approaches Biological

Māori Adaption of a brief intervention for common mental health syndromes in primary care

Research into disparities in contact with mental health services between Māori and non-Māori.


Ms Fiona Mathieson

Primary Healthcare Intervention

Studying the patterns of brain proteins in parts of the normal human brain compared with the proteins expressed in equivalent brain regions of patients with schizophrenia.

Studying the patterns of brain proteins in parts of the normal human brain compared with the proteins expressed in equivalent brain regions of patients with schizophrenia.


Dr Cooper, Dr Kydd and Dr Faull


Supporting kiwi veterans’ mental wellbeing

Supporting kiwi veterans’ mental wellbeing


Professor David McBride

Occupational Mental Health Prevention and Promotion

Circulating microRNA as stable biomarkers of anxiety and depression

Circulating microRNA as stable biomarkers of anxiety and depression


Professor Bruce Russell

Depression Biological

Mental health in young people with brain injury: a population-level perspective on service need and access

Mental health in young people with brain injury: a population-level perspective on service need and access


Dr Rebecca Slykerman

Population Mental Health

MindKiwi: online Mindfulness Treatment for Children and families with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Aotearoa New Zealand

MindKiwi: online Mindfulness Treatment for Children and families with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Aotearoa New Zealand


Dr Mairin Taylor

Treatment Approaches Neurodevelopmental/Neurodiversity Tech and Digital

Supporting Aotearoa Rangatahi to Thrive in a Media Saturated World

Supporting Aotearoa Rangatahi to Thrive in a Media Saturated World


Dr Cara Swit


Risk factors, protective factors, and school absenteeism – a potential early indicator of self-harm and suicidal behaviours in adolescents

Risk factors, protective factors, and school absenteeism – a potential early indicator of self-harm and suicidal behaviours in adolescents


Dr Irene Zeng

Suicide Prevention Primary Healthcare

The stories behind the statistics: understanding experiences of living with diabetes using a mental health and equity lens

The stories behind the statistics: understanding experiences of living with diabetes using a mental health and equity lens


Associate Professor Maria Stubbe

Ageing among Persons with Schizophrenia:a comprehensive interRAI study.

Ageing among Persons with Schizophrenia: a comprehensive interRAI study.


Associate Professor Yoram Barak

Old Age Psychiatry Neurocognitive Disorders

Separating differences in Personality and Mood using Neuroimaging

Separating differences in Personality and Mood using Neuroimaging


Associate Professor Bruce Russell

Mood Disorders

Neuroinflammation as a potential therapeutic target for mood symptomatology in Huntington’s disease

Neuroinflammation as a potential therapeutic target for mood symptomatology in Huntington’s disease


Dr Andrea Kwakowsky

Huntington’s Disease

Fostering Flourishing Youth in Aotearoa

Fostering Flourishing Youth in Aotearoa


Dr Sarah Hetrick

Health Services and Delivery Primary Healthcare

Efficacy, acceptability, and feasibility of the CALM psychoeducational programme for New Zealand children and families affected by anxiety

Efficacy, acceptability, and feasibility of the CALM psychoeducational programme for New Zealand children and families affected by anxiety


Dr Rachael Pond

Child and Youth Mental Health Tech and Digital

A randomised controlled pilot study of ketamine-assisted therapy

A randomised controlled pilot study of ketamine-assisted therapy


Dr Nicholas Hoeh

Treatment Approaches Biological

What becomes of the broken-hearted? Voices of suicidal survivors of family violence

What becomes of the broken-hearted? Voices of suicidal survivors of family violence


Emily Cooney

Child and Youth Mental Health Health Services and Delivery

Sharing Hope: Co-creating Understandings of What Gives Young People Hope

Sharing Hope: Co-creating Understandings of What Gives Young People Hope


Dr Janet Spittlehouse

Health Services and Delivery




Dr Annette Mortensen

The use of telepsychiatry during COVID-19

The use of telepsychiatry during COVID-19


Dr Gary Cheung

Health Services and Delivery Tech and Digital

Understanding the changes in patterns of demand for national helpline crisis services and their responses during COVID19

Understanding the changes in patterns of demand for national helpline crisis services and their responses during COVID19


Associate Professor Sarah Hetrick and Dr Sarah Fortune

Health Services and Delivery

Developing a Māori Mental Health Advance Preferences statement (MAPs) in the Southern DHB

Developing a Māori Mental Health Advance Preferences statement (MAPs) in the Southern DHB


Professor Paul Glue

Health Services and Delivery Legal

Development of a youth-led, values-based, anti-cyberbullying mHealth tool for prevention of suicide in New Zealand youth

Development of a youth-led, values-based, anti-cyberbullying mHealth tool for prevention of suicide in New Zealand youth


Dr Samantha Marsh

Child and Youth Mental Health Tech and Digital

Acceptability to Māori of an online platform and interactive chatbot to support mental health wellbeing

Acceptability to Māori of an online platform and interactive chatbot to support mental health wellbeing


Dr Amy Hai Yan Chan

Tech and Digital

Using Big Data in Neuroimaging to Discover Brain Activity Associated with Suicidality in Youth

Using Big Data in Neuroimaging to Discover Brain Activity Associated with Suicidality in Youth


Dr Narun Pornpattananangkul

Child and Youth Mental Health Biological

Use of probiotics as an adjuvant treatment for Major Depressive Disorder in a community outpatient setting in New Zealand

Use of probiotics as an adjuvant treatment for Major Depressive Disorder in a community outpatient setting in New Zealand


Dr Frederick Sundram

Treatment Approaches

Exploring Sleep and Psychological Health in Medical Students

Exploring Sleep and Psychological Health in Medical Students


Erik Wibowo

Child and Youth Mental Health

Workplace Wellbeing “It’s Your Chnnl”: An Action Research Study in the Emergency Department Setting.

Workplace Wellbeing “It’s Your Chnnl”: An Action Research Study in the Emergency Department Setting.


Dr Karen Day

Health Services and Delivery

Suicide Prevention in the New Zealand Construction Industry

Suicide Prevention in the New Zealand Construction Industry


Andrew Walmsley

Occupational Mental Health

Does Diversity-Receptiveness in Educational Institutions Predict International Students’ Psychological and Social Well-being?

Does Diversity-Receptiveness in Educational Institutions Predict International Students’ Psychological and Social Well-being?


Professor Colleen Ward

Child and Youth Mental Health Health Services and Delivery

Paracetamol stocks in households

Paracetamol stocks in households


Ms Eeva-Katri Kumpula

Health Services and Delivery

Development and validation of non-invasive magnetic resonance imaging techniques to detect brain inflammation

Development and validation of non-invasive magnetic resonance imaging techniques to detect brain inflammation


Dr Joanne Lin


Completion of the “Stories of Deaf people who have had a significant experience of mental illness or addiction” project.

Completion of the “Stories of Deaf people who have had a significant experience of mental illness or addiction” project.


Dr Geoff Bridgman

Health Services and Delivery Deaf and Hard of Hearing
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